Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 09 - Drifted Apart

Last week I was sick, so I didn't blog much. But I'm better now!
Catching up on my reads from the past week, I stumbled across a great interview post over at yes and yes, called True Story: I Didn't Buy Anything New for One Year. It is quite inspiring, a story of how someone went a whole year without purchasing on a list she made for herself. Go check it out!

Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.

So many people have drifted in and out of my life. I guess the person I didn't want to let go was an old friend, Amanda. She and I were inseparable for one summer, then she went through some rough times and I moved away, and we just drifted apart. She experienced a tragedy, and lost both parents in an unimaginable way, and there was nothing I could do to help her. No one could.
But she's doing so well now, her life is great and I'm so so happy for her. I'm glad I'm on the outskirts, even if we aren't as close as we once were, and I'm so happy for her and her little family. I'm glad I got to be at her wedding.

I tell my self that I'm not missing you,
but my heart it just wont listen,
even though I tell it to
I think about it all the time
Cant seem to get you off my mind,
and it just don't seem to matter what I do
cant stop missing you

Song of the day: Missing You- Imajin
Current Mood: overwhelmed thinking about everything that will be going on in November!!

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