Monday, July 19, 2010

Follow Us and Mind Right Monday Blog

Another Monday is upon us....
So, My Goals for the week are:
*call to set up an audition
*Dont get carried away eating
*Finish Emma
*Work on my show for Sunday
*dont eat out/spend money

Things I'm Grateful For:
*the husband
*the rain we are finally getting
*a stable job
*good books

This week I also will participate in Follow Us Monday from Frugality is Free

The question of the week is:
How did you get started with blogging?

for me it was just a natural progression. I've always been a journal writer, but now that I'm working most of my day, and on a computer, this is a great way to get my thoughts and life experiences down fairly instantly. I can sort through them in my blogs, as opposed to just in my head, and that really helps.

If you are interested in participating in Follow us Monday, check this weeks blog out here.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Girl! Just wanted to thank you so much for visiting me and becoming a follower over at Southern Soulmates!! Cute blog and congrats on being a newlywed! Have a blessed week! xoxo

  3. I love setting weekly goals - good luck with yours! And, I started blogging for just about the same reasons as you :) Have a great day!

  4. Send some of that rain my way when you're done with it please! :)

  5. I spent one summer re-reading all of Jane Austen's novels. Soooooo worth it. SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did!

    90210 Emergency

  6. Thanks, Ladies for stopping by!

    Melissa- what is your favorite Austen book?

    Freckle- I'll send it on over!!
