How often do we make goals for ourselves, then before long get burnt out or give up hope? I know I do it often. But in this list, giving up is not an option! This is my life I'm talking about here. My life needs improvement, obviously, by my mental (and physical) state. And I've got to do something about it! I'm twenty five years old, it's time for me to stop living in the college life mentality and move forward like an adult.
One of the ways I plan to prevent this idea of giving up is to make plans in advance! For example, the first item on my list is to "*Find a way to incorporate my charitable spirit monthly, at least". In the spirit of acting on this goal, I've already signed up for two charitable things. The first one takes place in two weeks! WHAT?! Ha. It's never too soon to start, right? The first event is a rummage sale for the Big Brothers, Big Sisters of East Tennessee, and as we all recently discovered, I have a ton of "rummage" goods to take and sell for this event. They are saying that you can sell your direct sale products, so I will probably post up at a table with my lia sophia stuff and a bunch of random items from my house. If 1pm comes and I've still got rummage, I plan to donate it THAT DAY! so it doesn't go back into my house and do more cluttering.
Event number two takes place April 9th, and it is another Big Brothers, Big Sisters of East Tn event, Bowl For Kids' Sake. I participated in this event last year. Basically it's a fundraiser to raise money for the BBBS, then at the end you get to go bowling and they give you food. My aunt is joining me in this, just like last year. I'm really looking forward to it. So I'm keeping my eyes out for events in May and June already. I'm not going to cut myself any slack. I should be able to donate a few hours of my time each month for a good cause.
In addition to those events, I also volunteer at the local library and over see the creative writing program for teens once a month. I was already doing that, though, so it doesn't count!
On that note, and the note of prayers for those in Japan and the Pacific, I'll leave you with this touching song by MJ.

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